Castor Oil For Acne

Castor Oil for Acne - How to Use and Precautionary Tips

Dr. Shireen Singh
Medically Reviewed By:

Dr. Shireen Singh, MBBS.

Written by Our Editorial Team


Castor oil is a multi-purpose oil that has been used in households for thousands of years. It not only finds a place in the kitchen but is also well known for its medicinal properties, health and beauty remedies. In addition, it has a number of pharmaceutical and industrial uses. Castor oil has been used to treat eye irritation and also used as a fuel for lamps. Today, you can see castor oil commonly used in beauty and hair products and to treat skin ailments like acne, blackheads and whiteheads.

Is Castor Oil Safe for Treating Acne?

Battling a breakout of recurring acne is one of the most frustrating things one would have to do. And applying any oil on acne is definitely not the first thing anyone would do. It, in fact, sounds very counterproductive. So, can castor oil help treat acne? Yes! Here are a few reasons as to why castor oil is not only safe but is highly beneficial for treating acne.

  • Castor oil naturally refreshes the skin, cleaning all the pores and fighting germs. This product has fatty acids like the triglyceride kind and undecylenic acid that are very effective in fighting bacteria and cleansing your skin.
  • Castor oil is very rich in ricinoleic acid which wards off acne-causing bacteria.
  • Excessive generation of oil is one of the major causes of acne. As counter-productive as it sounds, castor oil has moisturizing properties that keep the oiliness at bay.
  • Castor oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help deep cleanse the pores and remove dead cells, dirt and bacteria.
  • Castor oil has a rich source of vitamin E, anti-oxidants and other vitamins and minerals which is the road to flawless skin.

Also Read : Skincare Routine For Acne-Prone Skin

You can checkout ThriveCo's Goodbye Acne Kit, it comes with facial cleanser and the serum. 

Buy ThriveCo Goodbye Acne Kit


How to Use Castor Oil for Acne Treatment?

Castor oil can be used alone or along with other ingredients to fight acne off your skin! Here are a few effective remedies with castor oil that will help you treat your recurring acne. Following them systematically and patiently, will bring you miraculous results!

1. Castor Oil Steam Cleanse


Any sort of steam cleansing opens up the pores on the face. 

What You Will Need

  • A soup pot filled with water
  • Castor oil (1 or 2 teaspoons)
  • A towel
  • Mild exfoliating cleansing cream

Preparation Time

This routine will take up a minute or two to let the water to boil after which you can dive right into the procedure.

Treatment Time

This is to be followed overnight.


  1. Fill a bowl full of water and leave it to boil.
  2. Turn off the heat, drape your hair in a towel and show your face in the steam, in a way it is comfortable, for up to 5 minutes.
  3. Soak a towel and massage it on your face to clean out your pores.
  4. Add 1 or 2 teaspoons of Castor oil onto the soaked cloth and massage it over your face again, in a gentle circular motion.
  5. Wash your face with cold water and pat it dry.
  6. Apply two drops of castor oil on your face and leave it overnight.
  7. You can clean it off in the morning with a mild exfoliating cleansing cream.

How Often to Use This Remedy

For best results, follow this routine every night before going to bed.

Why This Remedy Works

Acne usually shows up when the skin can’t breathe, so this is an effective way to open, cleanse and close back your facial pores. Castor oil helps moisturise, exfoliate and nourish your skin.

2. Plain Castor Oil

Test plain castor oil on your skin before you use it on your face. If it causes any sort of irritation or discomfort, don’t go ahead with the procedure. If there are no reactions, proceed with this effective remedy.

What You Will Need

  • Castor Oil

Preparation Time

This procedure will take up 5 minutes of your time to prepare.

Treatment Time

You can leave it on for a few minutes. Once your skin gets used to this treatment, you can leave the castor oil on your face for longer or even overnight.


  1. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and pat in until your skin is dry.
  2. Use your fingertips to gently massage castor oil onto the affected areas on your skin. Massage for about 5-10 minutes.
  3. Leave it on for an hour before you wash it off your face.

How Often to Use This Remedy

Repeat this procedure twice a day to see effective and quick results.

Why This Remedy Works

Castor oil rejuvenates and moistures your skin thus cleansing and nourishing the acne-affected spots.

Also Read : Did you know : Castor oil is the self care product we all deserve!

3. Castor Oil and Olive Oil

What You Will Need

  • Olive Oil (1 teaspoon)
  • Castor Oil (2 teaspoons)

Preparation Time

This remedy will take upto 5 minutes of preparation time.

Treatment Time

You can leave it overnight.


  1. In a bowl, mix one teaspoon of olive oil and two teaspoons of castor oil.
  2. Use your fingertips to gently apply it on your face and massage for it while.
  3. You can leave it on for about half an hour or even sleep overnight in this oil mask.
  4. In the morning, you can use an exfoliating scrub to remove it and pat it dry.

How Often to Use This Remedy

For best results, follow this routine every night before going to bed.

Why This Remedy Works

Repeating in on a systematic basis at the end of the day will ensure that the dirty and clogged pores are cleansed thoroughly, thus fighting the acne.

4. Castor Oil, Almond Oil and Camphor Oil


What You Will Need

  • Castor oil (1/2 cup)
  • Almond oil (1/2 cup)
  • Camphor Oil (1 teaspoon)
  • Mild cleansing cream

Preparation Time

Preparation time will take up about 5 minutes to take measurements and mix the oils.

Treatment Time

Put on this mask overnight for the best results.


  1. Mix the ½ cup of castor oil, ½ cup of almond oil and one teaspoon of camphor oil into a mixing bowl.
  2. Wash your face and dry it before you try this method.
  3. Use your fingertips for application and massage your face gently.
  4. Leave it overnight.
  5. You can clean it off in the morning with a mild exfoliating cleansing cream.

How Often to Use This Remedy

For best results, follow this routine every night before going to bed for as long as it takes for the acne to clear up.

Why This Remedy Works

While almond oil has nourishing properties, castor oil is an effective antioxidant that rejuvenates the skin.

5. Castor Oil and Zinc

What You Will Need

  • Castor Oil (8 tablespoons)
  • Bee wax (2 tablespoons)
  • Zinc Oxide (1 tablespoon)
  • Essential oil (Lavender oil/Coconut oil)
  • Jar for storage

Preparation Time

This routine will take up to 15 minutes to prepare.

Treatment Time

You can leave this mask on overnight.


  1. Melt the beeswax into the castor oil using a double boiler.
  2. Once the wax has melted, mix it in zinc oxide.
  3. Add an essential oil of your choice to the mixture.
  4. To use this mixture, store it in a jar and apply it to the acne attacked spots on your face.
  5. Leave it on your skin overnight and wash it off with cold water in the morning.

How Often to Use This Remedy

For best results, follow this routine every night before going to bed.

Why This Remedy Works

Zinc is very effective in fighting bacteria. It also helps against inflammation and helps with fading the acne scars.

6. Castor Oil and Grapeseed oil


What You Will Need

  • Castor Oil
  • Grapeseed oil
  • Tea tree oil/Lemongrass oil/Need oil (2 drops)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Cotton Balls

Preparation Time

This routine will take up to 15 minutes to prepare.

Treatment Time

You can leave this mask on overnight.


  1. Mix equal quantities of castor oil and grapeseed oil.
  2. Add two drops of tea tree, lemongrass or neem oil to this mixture and stir well.
  3. Apply it on the face like a mask and massage it gently for about 5 minutes.
  4. Leave it overnight.
  5. In the morning, soak a washcloth in hot water and squeeze out the extra water.
  6. Put this cloth on your face for about 10 minutes in intervals.
  7. Wipe the excess oil using a bit of apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball.

How Often to Use This Remedy

Repeat this procedure daily to get rid of acne altogether.

Why This Remedy Works

This process is effective in breaking up the acne and dissolves grime and makeup on the skin. Also, grapeseed oil is known to regulate sebum, an oily secretion from the sebaceous glands.

7. Castor Oil and Baking Soda

What You Will Need

  • Castor Oil (1 tablespoon)
  • Baking Soda (1 tablespoon)

Preparation Time

This simple routine will take up to 5 minutes to prepare.

Treatment Time

You can leave this mask on for 15-20 minutes.


  1. Wash your face and pat it dry.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of castor oil and baking soda.Apply the mix onto the acne attacked areas on your face and neck.
  3. Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off with a gentle exfoliating cream and cold water.

How Often to Use This Remedy

Repeat this procedure daily for as long as it takes to get rid of acne.

Why This Remedy Works

Baking soda has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that dry out the new outbreaks and helps the older ones die down. It cools down the angry, red acne and reduces recurrence.

8. Castor Oil and Jojoba Oil

Jojoba Oil

What You Will Need

  • Castor Oil (1 teaspoon)
  • Jojoba Oil (3 teaspoons)


Preparation Time

This procedure takes up to 5 minutes to prepare.

Treatment Time

You can leave this mask on for 5 minutes.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of castor oil and three teaspoons of jojoba oil in a bowl.
  2. Splash water on your face and then apply this mixture to your affected areas, after patting it dry.
  3. Soak a washcloth in hot water and place it over your face for a minute or two.
  4. Wash your face off with cold water and pat it dry.

How Often to Use This Remedy

Repeat this procedure regularly. Remedies like take different spans of time to show results for different individuals.

Why This Remedy Works

On application, Jojoba oil can curb the production of excess sebum and help reduce acne.

9. Castor Oil and Turmeric

What You Will Need

  • Castor Oil (1/2 teaspoon)
  • Turmeric (1 teaspoon)

Preparation Time

This simple routine will take up to 2-3 minutes to prepare.

Treatment Time

Treatment time will take you about 15 minutes.


  1. First off, wash your face and pat it dry.
  2. Now mix ½ teaspoon of castor oil and one teaspoon of turmeric in a bowl.
  3. Apply the mix onto the affected areas on your face and neck.
  4. Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water.
  5. Make sure you pat your skin dry post rinsing.

How Often to Use This Remedy

Repeat this procedure once a day.

Why This Remedy Works

Turmeric Power is a powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent that works wonders whilst fighting bacteria. It also helps to get rid of old acne scars.

10. Castor Oil and Organic Coconut Oil


What You Will Need

  • Castor Oil (3 teaspoons)
  • Organic Coconut Oil (8 teaspoons)

Preparation Time

This procedure will take up 5 minutes of your time to prepare.

Treatment Time

You can leave it on for 20 minutes or even overnight.


  1. Boil a pot of water and then turn off the heat supply.
  2. Drape a towel over your head and lean into the steam for about 5-10 minutes.
  3. In another bowl, mix 3 teaspoons of castor oil and 8 teaspoons of organic coconut oil.
  4. Now apply this oil mixture gently on your face.
  5. Leave this mask on, overnight.
  6. In the morning, remove it off the face and neck with a wet cloth.
  7. Use a mild exfoliating cream to cleanse and pat your skin dry.

How Often to Use This Remedy

Repeat this procedure daily for a span of one month, or however long it takes for the acne to go away completely.

Why This Remedy Works

Coconut oil is high on lauric acid, which helps fight acne-causing bacteria. Apply coconut and castor oil increases the moisture content on the skin and also leads to scar reduction.

Precaution & Tips

Here are a few precautions are you must follow. Any course of treatment should be continued on your skin only if there are no side effects, allergies or irritations caused.

  • If you notice rashes or redness, stop this treatment and consult a doctor immediately. If need be, it is advisable to thin and dilute the highly viscous Castor oil with other carrier oils.
  • Test these remedies out on a smaller scale before diving right in, into overnight oil masks.
  • If the acne doesn’t reduce or die down within six weeks into this course of treatment, it is time to visit your dermatologist.
  • You can find many kinds of castor oil in grocery stores and pharmacies. Make sure you use the organic and cold-pressed kind, for best results.
  • Avoid putting castor oil on your eyes.
  • If you find castor oil difficult to remove off, then use a solution of baking soda and water for the same. It is quick and effective to remove the oiliness.
  • You can increase the number of times you do the treatment up to twice a day, as long as you are sure that there are no side effects of castor oil on your skin. This will give you quicker results.

Also Read : 15 Fabulous Benefits Of Castor Oil For Skin, Hair & Health

Along with this treatment, it is advisable to drink plenty of water and maintain a balanced diet for clearer skin. Eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid excess intake of carbohydrates and sugar. Stay hydrated to flush out all the toxins from the body. These precautions come a long way. Cheers to clear, acne-free skin!

About Doctor :

Dr. Shireen Singh

Dr. Shireen Singh, MBBS, MD Dermatology, is a trusted dermatologist with over 8 years of specialized experience. Passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their hair and skin care goals, she combines cutting-edge technologies with personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's needs. She's dedicated to helping you achieve vibrant hair and glowing skin. Dr. Shireen loves research and is here to share her expertise for your health and happiness.




Disclaimer:All the content published on is solely for information purposes. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consider seeking the advice of your physician or a qualified healthcare provider. The information, suggestion, or remedies mentioned on this site are provided without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.

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