What Are Developers? When To Use 10, 20, 30, or 40 Volume Developers?
What Are Developers?
You may have come across this hairdresser lingo when you were weighing your chances of coloring your hair at home. And if you are confused about who the developer is and what their purpose is, then you have clicked the correct link!
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So, hair developer is a product rich in hydrogen peroxide that aims to lift your cuticle by levels depending on the volume of the developer, the color you have chosen to dye your hair, and the quality and health of your hair. But essentially, it lifts your cuticles so that the hair dye penetrates deeper to provide dimension to your colored hair.
Hair developers are important because they activate the hair dye and elevate its formula to provide an elevated result. They also ensure color delivery by ensuring it lifts your hair's cuticle layers just enough to allow pigment of the hair color to penetrate.
Different Volumes And Uses
1. 10 Volume Developers
10 volume developers contain 3% hydrogen peroxide. These developers are also called no lift developers because they only provide moderate lift to your cuticles, i.e., lift by 1 level. This developer is perfect for when you are going to color your hair a darker color than the natural shade. This developer is the default developer in many toners and glazers. This volume developer will be the right choice if you have fine hair too.
2. 20 Volume Developers
20-volume developers contain 6% hydrogen peroxide. These developers are the most commonly used in the salons, and they are perfect for 100% grad coverage. It can give 1-2 levels of lift when combined with permanent hair colors and can become a powerful developer that provides 1–9 levels of lift when used with bleach. These developers also provide long-lasting color.
Source : Freepik
3. 30 Volume Developers
30-volume developers contain 9% hydrogen peroxide. These developers provide a lift up to four levels and are perfect for people with thick hair. This is ideal if you are intending on shifting to a blonde or a platinum blonde. It is usable and can be used with a lightening scram, a powder, or permanent hair color. It is advisable to stay away from this developer if you are not a hair coloring professional because it contains high concentrations of peroxide and might cause hair damage if not used with care.
4. 40 volume Developers
40-volume developers contain 12% hydrogen peroxide. These lift your hair up at least 8 levels! This developer is not appropriate for at-home use at all, unless you are a hair coloring professional, because this developer can cause serious damage to your scalp and your hair. This developer is ideal if you want to achieve a medium or dark blonde.
Source : Freepik
As a final word, not just choosing the perfect developer will get you the results you want; it also depends on the ratio in which you mix the developer with the hair color or bleach. The mixing ratio usually involves 1:1, 1:1.5, or 1:2, and keep the quality and health of your hair in mind before picking the developers. If you have porous or fine hair, go for lower-level developers like 10 volume, and if you have the normal volume of hair, stick to the suggested volume developer for the chosen hair color. If you have thick hair density, you might have to gravitate toward higher-powered developers.
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